So here is my list (that largley invloves many forms of procrastination):
- write something, anything, that is completely different.
- bake cookies.
- watch vloggers on YouTube.
- Burn cookies.
- watch celebrity talk shows on YouTube.
- Eat cookies anyway.
- Read fanfiction.
- clean desk.
- reorganise desk
- clean wardrobe.
- throw out practically all your clothes (none of them fit you anymore)
- Rearrange clothes according to colour and type of clothing (cause we all like pretty rainbows in our cupboards.)
- find homework.
- stare at homework intently.
- give up on homework and go back to whatever you are trying to write.
- Stare at blinking cursor.
- write a bunch of swear words about how you hate your life.
- Play Octagon (in case you don't know what this magnificent game is, oh I can't be bothered telling you, just get it, its great).
- Make meringues because you only need two ingredients (1 cup sugar, 4 egg whites, whisk together until stiff peaks form, blob on trays and cook in a preheated oven at 225 degrees for 30-40 minutes)
- google the longest german word and try to memorise it (btw its 'Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän')
So, there you go. There is 20 things to do when you have writers block. Hopefully by the end of it, you have thought of something else to write.